Team success in competition depends on the mental toughness of team members as well as championship-level teamwork. Championship teams win because coaches know how to instill confidence, maintain composure and cultivate teamwork among athletes. Success in sports goes beyond talent and physical ability. A cohesive and mentally tough team can triumph over physically superior teams. In fact, the ability to develop mental toughness in athletes is the most important weapon coaches can possess.

Mental training programs designed for coaches and teams help you build confidence, boost concentration, and improve team communication. It doesn’t matter if your team is in a performance slump, poor communication, or just needs to improve consistency; mental training can help you and your team develop a winning mindset.

A group of people standing next to each other holding hands.

Each custom designed workshop will help you:

  • Uncover the attitudes, behaviors and beliefs that are stunting your team’s performance
  • Apply mental game strategies customized for the specific needs of your team
  • Learn routines that can help your team enter the zone and stay there longer
  • Improve team cohesion
  • Develop a championship team attitude

A black and white icon of a group of people sitting in front of a blackboard.

Each workshop includes:

  • Mental game pre-seminar assessment to uncover the mental game obstacles inhibiting athletic potential
  • Workshop presentation focusing on the overall needs of the team (ex. Confidence, focus, composure) based on coaches input and survey
  • Optional follow up sessions available to groups and individuals
A black and white icon of a checklist on a white background.

Steps in the Seminar Process:

  • Steps in the Seminar Process:

  • Have the team complete a TCAP (Team Cohesion Assessment Profile) assessment
  • Coach discuss the results with their Performance Coach to narrow down topics
  • Deliver the live seminar to participants
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