By: Tim Bennett, MGCP
There is a lot of information about mental toughness and mental resilience. They often times get confused. This is a two part blog about each of those respectively and their similarities and differences.
Mental Toughness vs. Mental Resilience – Part I
What’s better? Every coach wants mentally tough players. Do they want mentally resilient players too? Are they the same thing? Can those traits be developed or coached or is a player just born with them? Can someone be both, mentally tough and resilient? Isn’t mental tough just purely physical, like getting through a difficult workout or overcoming an injury?
Good questions, huh? Are there answers though you ask? Yes!
Why is it so important for athletic performance?
50% of superior athletic performance is the result of mental toughness ( Clough and Strycharczyk, 2019)
83% of elite-level coaches rate mental toughness as the most important characteristic for determining competitive success ( Clough and Strycharczyk, 2019)
Athletes and people are more successful (emotionally, physically and in their sport) when they are mentally tough. Ok, so we know how important it is for competitive success. What is it though? The definition is pretty straightforward. It is a “personality trait which explains in large part how individuals respond differently to the same or similar stressors, pressures, opportunities and challenges irrespective of prevailing circumstances” (Clough and Strycharczyk 2015: 33). Mentally tough people are not better than anyone else; they are simply better at rebounding from adversity in a shorter period of time than those who are not mentally tough.
When we think of a mentally tough person, it conjures up images of bruised and battered competitors struggling against all physical odds to pull off successfully. We think it is purely physical. This is a very common example but it has created several myths about mental toughness:
Over the past two years, we have seen so many great examples of mental toughness across our sports landscape. Simone Biles displayed every aspect of mental toughness in this past Olympics. She completely shattered the above myths and showed us what true mental toughness is and what it looks like.
There are 4 major traits of Mental Toughness, the 4 C’s as described by MJ Turner (2019):
Despite popular opinion to the contrary, mental toughness can be developed. It can be learned and grown! Some simple techniques like mindfulness, attentional control, breathing, self-talk, routines, goal setting/performance objectives, and viewing failures as data for growth.
The post Mental Toughness, Mental Resilience and SISU: Part One appeared first on Focus Therapy.